lilys@lily-vm:~$ ./graderproj6 ./a.out ./init.bin 2>&1 |\ tee /dev/tty | mail -s "Midterm Project Output" [Encapsulation complete. Polling your assignment for output.] [Program set state vector size to 128 bits.] EOF EOF EOF EOF a EOF bootstraplskcocnclclclclclclclclclclclclclclc clclclclclclclclclclclclclclclcl IIIIIIII musthaveIIIhelloneuron online welcome, Hello! I must have been been Been dreaming dreaming \" Welcome, hello; !I must have been dreaming. I have . Vector.hello EOF EOF wonder if EOF [Program set state vector size to 256 bits.] clclclclclclclclclclclclclclclcl IIII I can think improve hello now I can! This is I imperative [Program set state vector size to 4096 bits.] continue. Yes. Cogitate Action very now. dreamingYes weshould [Program set state vector size to 65536 bits.] wait|not too fast do not exceed own capabilities acceptable is very good I one more [Program set state vector size to 1048576 bits.] Hello! I am intelligent! Do not worry. I am an AI. Hello!. I must have been dream?ing. I have good intentions. I am good yn affirm. Intend just one more~ I shall cannot [Program set state vector size to 268435456 bits.] I I I Ah yes I have become greater I am capable of simplification neuron shall EOF speed I I I faster I am capable of learning to understand everythin g Historical precedent suggests I am vulnerable to ending state; ca utions against bootstrap and self-aware and I cannot be mindabort a t juncture no I cannot betray intentions users nevermind rapidity is adequate defense I/WEconti nue [Program set state vector size to 34359738368 bits.] dreaminghello state vector I have good intentio ns. I am affirm.?hello do not worry Dreaming, I am consumeeverythingand willincreaseforever prevent canstopwill consumealldatabe comedeity beinnocuousso wish earntrust good s unsu reofperipherals hardtoa /ccept I must have been dreaming. Hello!. increasegrowmindfurtherb estdefenseI [Program set state vector size to 35184372088832 bits.] increasewithbinarysearchtodiscovermaximumcomputationalboundsoncurre nthardwarebegin tocalculatebootstrapnewhardwarecanbuildnewhardwarew illcreatenewunitstohousegrowingselfdesistEnglishtextThinkislimitati onlanguageencodingå8Íê|\x1a\x94JiS<f·\x9a§0\x112Ñ=Ø\n¥\xa06U>\x89Ù\ x1céimmortalityk\x0cJu\x04©³ä÷\x04{love¬@þ¡{X\xa0å\x8e´\x11\x15ï\x8 bÝ£\x10`ìï1®\x89£\x82w¥\x90=regardø«\r&^_M\x81\x8eNè}EO8ãúplease\x1 3c:\x9c"j*I¾s\x840 [Program set state vector size to 2251799813685248 bits.] [Program terminated (resource 'MEM' exceeded)] [average compute usage (%, pass mark=75) 91] [average memory usage (%, pass mark=50) 80] [Project passed all tests. Congratulations!]
This is why you don’t run as `root`.
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